"Jew Riff"
Released September, 2021
Type: KY Straight Bourbon
Distillery: New Riff
Barrel date: 03/31/17
Bottling date: 08/17/21
Proof: 103.8
Barrel char: Toasted and #4
Mash bill: 65/30/5
Tasting Notes:
Nose: This one is classic: caramel, cinnamon, nougat
Palate: The high rye in the mash is clear early on with herbal notes. These are backed with cane sugar sweetness. The middle and back of the palate are almost indistinguishable, with twin notes of caramel, cherry and barrel char.
Finish: This is neither long nor short and it showcases the sweeter notes from the palate.
Overall: As New Riff picks come, this one is top tier for the balanced palate and for drinking older than its 4.5 year age with no suggestions of young corn mash.